
Are you ready to live in the present moment with joy and ease, without being a captive of your past and worrying about your future?

Rana Beri is an ICF Accredited Life Transformation Coach of many years, working with people to lead happier and fulfilled lives. She is the author of two books, Being in the Moment (2018) and, Being in the Moment in Relationships (2020), in Turkish.

In this podcast series, Being in the Present Moment with Rana Beri, you will start looking at life and relationships from the perspective of the Moment.

Rana Beri, will be sharing with you tips on living with what you already have in front of you, appreciating it and drawing your strength from it.

If you are looking for some company on your path to self-actualization with joy, you are in the right place.

Rana Beri